Long Service Awards

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Applications for Long Service Awards should reach the Fife Show Secretary by 1st April to allow time for RHASS to process them and provide medals and certificates. Eligibility rules have changed slightly and employees working full time in the agriculture service industry i.e. for an agricultural firm rather than on a farm, may now also …

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2018 Show – 19th May

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The 2018 Show will be held at Kinloss on Saturday 19th May. Information about the Show and all the showing classes, attractions and demonstrations you will be able to see will be updated on this website regularly. Online entries are now open  –  for 2018, online payments will be made through Worldpay, rather than Paypal, …

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This Farming Life

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If you were at this year’s Fife Show, you may have seen the BBC filming Stevie Mitchell’s buffalo for the second series of “This Farming Life”. Other areas of the Show were also filmed. The series starts next week, running for four weeks on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays on BBC2 UK network and on Wednesdays, …

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2017 Show

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So Fife Show is over for another year. Sadly, the weather was not kind to us this year but we’d like to thank every one of you who braved the elements and came along to support and enjoy the event, whether as a competitor or a spectator. To our sponsors – we are grateful for your …

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Fife Show in 3 Minutes

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Ever wondered what a day at the Show would look like? Now is your chance to see – our timelapse camera recorded the arrivals and departures in 2016. Watch it at https://youtu.be/EoVNn4L_wM8 Now watch this year’s version – a new location for the camera in 2017. Check it out at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7sQ84-GMvg&feature=youtu.be  

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Entries are now closed for all sections except Showjumping which can still be entered, until 17th May, using the Online facility.  Late Entries will be taken on Show day for the Light Horse section only – Classes 131 – 204.  Late Entry forms can be downloaded from the Entries page.

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The Premium List 2017 (Schedule) is now available on the website on the Entry Forms page, along with a document showing some Amendments  to the printed version. Please note the closing date for entries is 8th April – early submission would be much appreciated! Payment must be included with your entries. The online entry facility is also now open …

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New President for Fife Agricultural Association

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At the recent AGM of the Fife Agricultural Association, Mike Black, Nisbetfield was appointed as President until the end of 2018. Mike succeeds Allan Stewart, Kininmonth, who has succesfully guided the Association and the annual Fife Show for the last two years. Andrew Stevenson, Bonerbo, was appointed as Vice-President. As well as handing over the …

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Welcome to our new Website!

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Welcome to the new Fife Show website. We hope that you will find all the help and information about the Show that you need here – if not, just let us know and we’ll try to do better! The site allows you to make entries for the Show, become a member and buy tickets online. …

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