The Association gratefully acknowledges the support of the following supporters

and sponsors in 2024:


E A D L I N E  S P O N S O R


M A I N   S P O N S O R S






P L A T I N U M   S P O N S O R S






                                  G O L D   S P O N S O R S






 S I L V E R   S P O N S O R S





B R O N Z E   S P O N S O R S


                        W Walker Livestock


S E C T I O N   S P O N S O R S






                                            Derek Wood 



C L A S S   S P O N S O R S


               Deebees Rosettes         



S H O W J U M P I N G   S P O N S O R S





            CN Fencing       Gordon Harley             North Lodge Caravan Park 

                                                 Paw Prints Boarding Kennels                                                      



C R O P   C O M P E T I T I O N   S P O N S O R S

                                         DT STEWART & SONS



Grateful thanks go to all those who have made donations to the Show, whether financially or in kind, including those shown below.



  Aberhill Metals,  Claverhouse Equestrian, Cults Mill Livery, Fintan Hunt Showjumping, Roy Nicol




Details of Sponsorship and advertising packages can be found below or by contacting fifeshow01

Sponsorship Packages

Sponsorship Form

Advertising Form

Advertising and Banners Information


For Online MembershipClick Here


For Online EntriesClick Here


To buy tickets for The Fife Show please click here

Trade Stands & Sponsorship

For information on applying for a Trade Stand or becoming a Sponsor pleaseclick here

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