Please use the Online system where possible and only use paper forms if you are unable to enter online. A help sheet is available here.
The Schedule can be downloaded below. To enter Online, just click on the Entries button on the right – the new system is very easy to use and will retain your name, address etc as well as your animals details for future use – please give it a go! If you need help, just get in touch.
All fees include VAT. If you enter online, your entries confirmation will act as your VAT invoice (please check your junk mail if it doesn’t arrive). If you enter on a paper form and need a VAT invoice, please make sure you tick the box.
Please read the Guidance relevant to the section you are entering and the Fife Show Rules (see below) before downloading the entry form or starting your online entry. Entrants for HOYS qualifier classes using paper forms to enter will need to complete the HOYS Entry Form as well as the Fife Show entry form and ensure all relevant HOYS ID numbers are included. A list of Judges for each section can be viewed at the bottom of this page.
The Closing Date for Catalogue Entries is NOON on 24th April 2025. Late Entries will again be taken for all Cattle, Sheep, Heavy & Light Horse classes, Eggs and Home Produce entries. These will be taken between 25th April and NOON on 14th May and will be payable at a slightly higher rate – please note that these entries will not be included in the Catalogue. The Schedule details the 2 different entry fees for classes, dependent on the date you enter and pay.
LIGHT HORSE section ONLY: “additional” entries from horse/pony and rider combinations already entered in other Classes will be accepted. These will be payable at double the original entry fee (unless otherwise stated). No new entries will be taken.
LIGHT & HEAVY HORSE sections: In line with the Rules of many Equine Societies, earrings/body studs, visible jewellery must not be worn at Fife Show in Light Horse or Heavy Horse classes – In-Hand, Ridden or Driven. Stewards will check as exhibitors enter the Ring but if a Judge sees an exhibitor with earrings/body studs or visible jewellery, they should ask the exhibitor to remove them or leave the Ring. If the exhibitor does not remove them, the Judge will disqualify the exhibitor from the Class. The only time earrings may be kept in is if they cannot be removed for medical reasons, and exhibitors should advise the Show Organiser of this in advance. Earrings/body studs may not be taped or have plasters over them, they must be removed.
SHOWJUMPING: The closing date for Showjumping entries is NOON on 19th May. See SJ Schedule below for further details. All entries are Online only via this website. No entries will be taken on the day. All Classes will be drawn order – draw will be available on this website on Thursday 22nd May. Queries on Classes to S. Low-Mitchell, 07715 545769. Any queries regarding the entry system to Fife Show on 07910 072409.
All passports must be carried to the Show. It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to ensure that all equines are fit and well, currently showing no signs of illness, or having shown any signs of illness within the previous 10 days. This policy will be under regular review.
PET SHOW: Entries are only taken on Showday.
DOG SHOW: Entries can be made, online, in advance or at the Show. Entering online, in advance, does not provide a Show admission ticket – this should be bought separately.
VINTAGE: Entries can be made by downloading and returning the form below.
STICKMAKING: There is no Stickmaking competition this year, but there will still be demonstrations in the Game Fair tent.
POULTRY: It was hoped that we would see the return of Poultry classes this year, but that cannot be confirmed at the moment. Anyone interested in entering Poultry classes should register their interest by emailing and if it is possible to hold these classes, we will get in touch.
Draft Light Horse Running Order
HOYS Ridden Heavy Horse Entry Form
HOYS Qualifier Entry Form
Showjumping Information
BS Schedule
Dog Entry form Entries taken online, in advance or on Show Day. An admission ticket for the Show must be purchased separately.
Pet Schedule See full Schedule above. Entries only taken on Show Day
Judges all other sections
Saturday Showjumping Times can be found here
Sunday Showjumping times are here
Numbers of entries in Light Horse classes can be found here
Numbers of entries in Heavy Horse classes can be found here
In This Section: